Deer Creek Township Republican Caucus

6:30 PM – Doors Open - Registration and Affidavit of Voter Attending a Township Caucus
7:00 PM – Caucus Called to Order*

* Admission into the caucus requires each person to sign the Affidavit of Voter Attending Township Caucus - ISBE form H-1.  All persons properly registered to participate in the caucus, and all qualified individuals standing in line to register at 7:00 p.m., shall be allowed to participate in the caucus.

The Chairman of the Caucus will be:

Bob Hofmann
Republican Precinct Committteeperson for Deer Creek 1 Precinct
120 Willow Oak Dr
Morton, IL 61550

For the April 6, 2021 General Election, Republican nominations for Township Supervisor, Township Clerk, Township Highway (Road) Commissioner, Township Assessor**, and 4 Township Trustees will be made at the caucus.

** Persons nominated for the office of Township Assessor must bring current and valid certifications to the caucus which show the nominee has the required statutory qualifications to be assessor. 35 ILCS 200/2-45

Qualified Participants Attending the Caucus

The participant will certify that the participant is a registered voter in Deer Creek Township and that the participant is affiliated with the Republican Party, and the participant is not prohibited from signing this affidavit by any of the reasons listed below; nor will the participant become an independent candidate or a new political party candidate at the upcoming election.

No participant shall be able to participate or to vote at the Deer Creek Township caucus if such person is or was at any time during the twelve months prior to the caucus:

  1. an elected or appointed public official of another established political party;
  2. an elected or appointed officer, director, precinct committeeperson or representative of the township committeeperson of another established political party;
  3. a judge of election pursuant to Article 13 or 14 of The Election Code for another established political party;
  4. a voter who voted in the primary election of another statewide established political party.

Signing the Affidavit of Voter Attending Township Caucus is required for admission.


  1. Meeting called to order by the Caucus Chairman
  2. Pledge of Allegiance
  3. Invocation
  4. Election of Caucus Secretary
  5. Adoption and/or amendment of Caucus Rules of Procedure
  6. Reading of the Call for the Caucus
  7. Nomination process repeated for each Office
    • Nominations by qualified participants
    • Comments by nominee(s)
    • Voting for caucus nominee(s)
    • Canvassing of ballots by Election Judges if multiple nominees
    • Announcement of results of balloting if multiple nominees
  8. Adjourn

Social Distancing compliant with the COVID-19 pandemic will be recommended


Tier 3 Mitigation Order


a. Free exercise of religion.

b. Emergency functions.

c. Governmental functions.  

d. Election-related functions.  This Executive Order does not apply to activities related to the November 2020 General Election, including the December 14, 2020 meeting of Illinois Presidential Electors as part of the Electoral College. This Executive Order also does not apply to the December 2020 township caucuses and multi-township district caucus, see 60 ILCS 1/45, and municipal caucus, see 10 ILCS 5/10.  Statewide public health-related procedures for the 2020 General Election should be followed for these caucuses as applicable.  See Illinois Department of Public Health’s Guidance for Preventing the Spread of COVID-19 in Election Polling Locations, available at .  Nothing in this Executive Order prohibits caucuses from being held virtually, and caucus organizers are encouraged to facilitate virtual attendance, to convene outdoors, and must adhere to all Social Distancing Requirements.

Issued by the Governor November 18, 2020
Filed by the Secretary of State November 18, 2020

December 01, 2020 at 6:30pm - 8pm
Deer Creek Township Hall
407 W 3rd Ave
Deer Creek, IL 61733
United States
Google map and directions
Bob Hofmann · · (309) 678-3907

Will you come?

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  • Bob Hofmann
    followed this page 2020-11-23 15:40:42 -0600
  • Virg Cihla - Administrator - Tazewell County Republicans
    published this page in Calendar 2020-11-10 19:07:32 -0600
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