About Us

Our Vision

We, the Tazewell County Republicans, enthusiastically perform our civic duty when interacting with or when elected to any level of government. For ourselves, our families, and our communities, we ensure the future of American Exceptionalism; i.e. enjoying rights endowed by our Creator; governed within the constraints of the U.S. Constitution; devised by our Founding Fathers; and preserved by our military.


Mission Statements

  • Culture - Our demonstration of our values, our honorable practices, and our ability to exceed expectations sets the standard for a political organization.
  • Constituents - We engage constituents to educate them of the founders’ intended role of governments at all levels, arming them with the necessary tools to enhance their civic duty effectiveness.
  • Stakeholders – We are recognized as the premier advocate for voters and conservative values among donors, various community groups, civic organizations, and political entities as a result of our trustfulness, transparency, honesty, and usefulness.

Please contact your Precinct Committeeperson to learn how you can support our Vision and Missions.


Office Name Email Phone
Chairman Jim Rule [email protected] 208-9930
Vice-Chairman Corey Allen [email protected] (202) 309-6499
Secretary Bill Atkins [email protected] 696-7684
Treasurer Open [email protected]  
County Board District Chairpersons
District 1 Jody Baker [email protected] 613-9143
District 2 Caleb Zobrist [email protected] 266-9407
District 3 Lee Randall [email protected]  241-7591
Volunteer Coordinator   [email protected]  
Election Integrity Chairperson   [email protected]  
Executive Committee Linc Hobson [email protected] 256-7620
Executive Committee Kevin Moody [email protected]  291-5164
Executive Committee John Webb [email protected] 267-3122
Social Media Admin Virg Cihla [email protected] 202-7266

Precinct Committeepersons

Precinct Committeperson Email Phone
Cincinnati 4 Mary Burress [email protected] 241-7563
Delavan Kitty Yontz [email protected] 244-7685
Dillon Dean Kaisner [email protected] 208-4791
Elm Grove 1 Diane Shipton [email protected] 231-1010
Fondulac 4 Russ Crawford [email protected]  265-2468
Groveland 1 Dee Fogal [email protected] (217) 816-1984
Groveland 5 Randy Clawson [email protected] 222-0607
Groveland 6 Tina Kolesar [email protected] 263-8261
Groveland 9 Roy Paget [email protected] 253-0896
Groveland 12 Laurie Whitaker [email protected] 696-9693
Hittle Les Schmidgall [email protected] 242-2944
Hopedale Carroll Imig [email protected] 267-8845
Mackinaw 3 Brett Grimm [email protected] 410-7031
Morton 1 David Zimmerman [email protected] 370-0773
Morton 2 Craig Hilliard [email protected] 266-7278
Morton 3 Julie Brewer [email protected] 360-5744
Morton 5 Linda Bisping [email protected]  264-5326
Morton 6 Barb Smith [email protected] 202-0723
Morton 8 Ryan Johnson [email protected] 208-3294
Morton 9 Caleb Zobrist [email protected] 266-9407
Morton 10 Linc Hobson [email protected] 256-7620
Morton 11 Jim Rule [email protected] 208-9930
Pekin 1 Kevin Moody [email protected] 642-0582
Pekin 5 Craig Billner [email protected] 267-7811
Pekin 10 Jody Baker [email protected] 613-9143
Sand Prairie Mike Thompson [email protected] 253-2476
Tremont 1 John Webb [email protected] 241-3122
Tremont 2 John Lovell [email protected] 657-7183
Washington 1 J. Brian Heller [email protected] 444-7700
Washington 2 Corey Allen [email protected] (202) 309-6499
Washington 4 Curtis Marshall [email protected] 275-8783
Washington 6 John Ackerman [email protected] 635-7624
Washington 7 Lee Randall [email protected] 241-7591
Washington 8 Bill Atkins [email protected] 696-7684
Washington 10 Kevin Johnson [email protected] 241-7228
Washington 11 Roger Stevens [email protected] 444-2490
Washington 13 Jennifer Hughes [email protected] 251-6893


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