Please join us for the Tazewell County Republican breakfast.
Beginning with this breakfast, we will be featuring speakers from organizations within and around Tazewell County that affect our lives and communities. Whether it is issues, services, history or other items of interest, these speakers and their presentations will help us understand and be aware of the Face of Tazewell County!
For our October breakfast, we will welcome Community Harvest from Morton! Community Harvest is a local organization that makes a big difference in helping those who need a hand. Whether or not you are aware of them and the great things they do, this presentation promises to inform and inspire. Please bring a small grocery bag of non-perishable goods to donate to Community Harvest at the breakfast.
Breakfast starts promptly at 8a and the Community Harvest presentation will begin at 8:30a.
Following the Community Harvest presentation, we will hear from a few of our local and possibly state candidates who will give us updates on their campaigns and what we can do to help in the final leg of their election pursuit!
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