Welcome to Tazewell County Republicans
Our Illinois county has a long heritage of Republican leaders on the local, Illinois and federal levels of government who have been committed to accountable, limited, and loyally constitutional government.
Trump/Vance 2024 Make American Great Again!
Yard Signs Are Here!
2024 Lincoln Day Dinner
The night was amazing and historic. Tazewell County Republicans and Peoria County Republicans jointly held our 2024 Lincoln Day Dinner. The Keynote speaker was U.S. House Speaker Mike Johnson who delivered a message about the challenges we face today, the importance of God in our country and what it means to be a Conservative in America. Also featured was Congressman Darin LaHood who gave a legislative update and who rallied everyone. The welcome address by Chairman Jim Rule included a challenge to all to engage and get involved in this important battle to save American and the state of Illinois. The energy in the room at the event was electric and attendees are ready to WIN in November, 2024!
2024 Veterans Appreciation Breakfast
Tazewell County Republicans recognizes a Veteran of the Year who resides in Tazewell County; served and was honorably discharged from a branch of the U.S. military; and is consistently active in our community by involving himself or herself in causes or actions that give back and/or in some way, makes a difference in the lives of those in our community.
This year's Veterans Appreciation Breakfast will be held on Saturday, July 27th, 2024 from 8:00 am - 10:00 am (Breakfast served from 8:00 am - 9:00 am) at the Morton American Legion, Post 318, 24 E. Adams St., Morton, IL.
Click Here for More Information
The 2023 Veteran of the year was Steven Saal. Steven Saal served in the United States Marine Corp from 1971 thru 1973.
Steven's lifetime of membership in service organizations was the direct result of guidance from his father following discharge from the Marines. Steven is the Superintendent of Tazewell County's Veterans Assistance commission, starting with that office in 1998.
Click Here to View the Veteran of the Year Presentation
Keynote Speaker
Steven Saal agreed to serve our celebration as our keynote speaker. Steven described the Tazewell County government's Veterans Assistance Commission's services, the steps that veterans should take to assure access to these services, and new members in his office to process veteran's claims. More information is available at tazewell-il.gov/VeteransAssistance/VeteransAssistance
Click Here to hear about the Veteran Assistance Commission
4/17/2024 - At the Biennial County Convention, the Precinct Committeepersons re-elected Jim Rule as the Chairman of the Tazewell County Republican Central Committee. Unaminously, the Precinct Committeepersons voted to continue Jim's efforts to strengthen the party.
The Chairman's comments re-iterated his commitment to the Strategic vision, mission, and goals. Jim invited the Precinct Committeepersons, many of them new, to make their individual contributions to a better Illinois.
Congratulations Jim!
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